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September 14, 2021

How does the POPI Act affect credit bureaus?

When it comes to the protection of personal information, there are two acts that govern businesses and those working with such information. The Protection of Privacy […]
September 14, 2021

Why investing in youth is good for your business

It was Nelson Mandela that famously said, “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”. And although some years have passed since his death, his […]
August 19, 2021

Take this quiz and test your cybersecurity readiness

How well are you equipped for handling cyber threats to your business? Take the quiz below to test your knowledge on cybersecurity. You just received an […]
August 19, 2021

Gross vs net profit: Why numbers are deceiving

In the world of business, your earnings can make a large difference between getting investors to invest in your business and being completely overlooked. Many business […]
August 19, 2021

The advantages and disadvantages of a virtual office

Let’s face it, in a post-pandemic world, the traditional office is in danger. Commuting hours to work just to go sit at a desk with, relatively speaking, a bunch of other strangers breathing the same air no […]
August 19, 2021

How is your business going above and beyond the call of duty?

Every business in the world sells something. They sell goods or services in order to address a need or desire of a consumer, and to achieve a profit in the process (at the very least […]
July 20, 2021

Water conservation: Your household’s next objective

Having a Wikipedia page dedicated to a years-long national drought is not something any country wishes for. Yet, that is exactly what South Africa has achieved. South Africa has always been a country […]
July 20, 2021

Protect your home, protect your living enjoyment

Home insurance is there to protect one of the most important assets you own. And when done properly, it will allow you to insure both the structure of your home and the […]
July 20, 2021

The seven questions that could make or break your contracts

Your business success relies on your interaction with clients/customers and other businesses. Your profit is directly proportional to the behaviour of these external role-players. Dealing with individual clients/customers does come […]
July 20, 2021

The A-Z of POPI compliance

The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act came into full effect on the 1st of July 2021. If you still haven’t implemented your POPI compliance strategy, it is strongly advisable […]
July 14, 2021

Isithebe Umbrella Pension Fund

ISITHEBE UMBRELLA PENSION FUND (FSB Registration No. 12/8/38075) Communication and update in respect of the Section 14 transfer of Isithebe Umbrella Pension Fund member credits to […]
June 24, 2021

Test your knowledge on cybersecurity

How well are you equipped for handling cyber threats to your business? Take the quiz below to test your knowledge on cybersecurity. You just received an […]
June 24, 2021

The traditional office is dying, what’s next?

Let’s face it, in a post-pandemic world, the traditional office is in danger. Commuting hours to work just to go sit at a desk with, relatively speaking, a bunch of other strangers breathing the same air no […]
June 24, 2021

Why you need new business policies before July 2021

Since the POPI Act came into effect on the 1st of July 2020, many businesses have had to rethink the way that they use and store information […]
June 24, 2021

Why vaccines should be encouraged in the workplace, but rarely enforced

The distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine is seen as a fundamental component to ending the pandemic. However, mandatory vaccinations in the workplace should be treated with caution by all employers. As it […]
May 11, 2021

The POPIA is in effect: What this means for you

Data is everywhere. In fact, because of the nifty autosave setting on the word processer used for writing this sentence, new information is being added to […]
May 11, 2021

Why face-to-face communication remains relevant

One of the biggest challenges in the workplace is that of communication. Everything we say (and do not say) has an immense impact on the effectiveness and functionality of […]
May 11, 2021

Life-hacks for a more productive remote workforce

It’s a strange new world that we’re living in, one in which the digitalisation of the traditional office is happening at a rapid rate. Many businesses […]
May 11, 2021

Cybersecurity in your business starts with you

As a business owner in the digital age, one of the best things that you can do to gear yourself for the future of your industry is to learn how to protect […]
April 19, 2021

Stop accepting excuses, start seeing results

Nobody loves an excuse. It’s even worse when it’s blatantly obvious that the task you assigned to one of your employees was completely overlooked, unprioritised, and left to the […]
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